Wednesday, June 3, 2009

goodbye little one

The cube is in mourning. We have lost chicken number four, our smallest and most fragile chick. Her passing was met with tears and sadness - she was held by everyone and offered a gentle goodbye, with a thank you for touching our lives even briefly.

Turning back the clock twenty four hours, we note the beginning of the end. An unfortunate "zooming" incident with our exuberant pup resulting in the toppling of two of the chicks. Chicken number four had to be helped back up and, in her already fragile state, was likely overcome with the stress. She was quiet last night and delicate when checked this morning, but had succumbed by the end of the work day.

The rest of the girls spent the evening grubbing in the fern garden. Chick one is very assertive and was quick to leap out the open cube door, making her way across the forest of our lawn to the ferns. Chicks two and three follow, with much peeping as if to say "wait for me!"

And on the brood goes and grows.


  1. So very sorry to hear about #4 – even with not having met the little one, it was sad news.

    Now, I must admit that I'm a bit conflicted about the gender of the chicks. On the one hand I'm looking forward to a brood of egg layers (yum! healthy, fresh eggs!)... however, on the other hand I'm rather hoping there's another man-about-the-house to keep me company on my visits. :D

    I'm very excited to meet the new additions to the Ark. See you all soon.

    Love Dad

  2. Unfortunately there cannot be any "men-about-the-hen-house". Victoria bylaws prohibit roosters, so if one (or more) turn out to be boys they need to be returned. Sad, I know...

  3. So sorry to hear of Chicken 4's passing. She had a grand life with you all!
