Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chicken Intelligence

The chicks continue to grow. I'm increasingly convinced that Chicken One is a rooster. It's getting very white, while the other two are staying quite dark.

L-R Chicken Two, Chicken Three and Chicken One

The chickens will fly up to four or five feet now, but close to the ground. They do this mostly when agitated.

They've discovered the compost bin. It's conveniently close to the cube, and full of worms, wood bugs and grubs. Good eats!

Chicken Three

The three of them were hanging outside The Cube tonight. I got a little too close and Chicken Two was startled. She screeched and flapped, and launched herself around the corner and back into the cube.

Then she realized that she was alone. Alone is not a good state for a chicken.

She began to screech-peep, calling to the other chicks. WHERE ARE YOU? OH DEAR OH DEAR WHERE ARE YOU?

The other chicks were outside and heard her peeping. so they peeped back at her. Chicken Two could hear them peeping on the other side of the wall. She went into a frantic state inside the cube, flapping up and down against the wall, screech-peeping loudly. WHERE ARE YOU? YOU'RE LOST! I'M LOST! OH DEAR OH DEAR!

I see where the story of Chicken Little came from...

Finally I just picked her up and dropped her outside with the other chicks. And everything was happy again. La la la.

Chicken Two

Chicken One

I'm just noticing in these photos that Chicken One's legs are still quite dark... Which is usually the sign of a hen. Hmmm...

Should we get a betting pool going?

The chicks are now a little over three weeks old.

Chicken One again, doing the twist

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