Saturday, July 25, 2009

People = food

The chickens have finally figured out that people = food, and they now follow us around the yard. They'll even eat scratch (seeds) out of our hands. The down side of this is that I was outside reading a book and they kept pecking my toes.

They've lost a lot of their original fear, and now come right out of the cube when we open the door. They're all over the yard, in the garden, and up on the deck. They'll perch on anything that's slightly elevated.

Chicken One is definitely a boy. Not only in looks and size, but he's also more aggressive. He hasn't crowed yet, but pretty soon he'll need to go back to the farm...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Cube has a hat

They keep growing. It was rainy for three or four days this week, so we didn't have them out and about. When the sun came out on the afternoon of the fourth day I opened the cube and these big birds were staring at me. Whoa! When did they get so big?

We're starting to talk about what to do about Chicken One. He's going to need to go back to the farm at some point... In the meantime, he definitely "rules the roost".

The Cube is in progress. The Chicken Mom got the roof structure on it (I'm not familiar with buildings, so I'm going to call it wrong thing, please forgive me). There are funky rafters (made of blue-gray beetle wood from the interior), and then a plywood covering. We're still waiting for the actual roof itself, which apparently is going to be a green roof with strawberries.

So the Cube now has a fun hat.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bigger Chickens

They're growing. They're starting to perch on anything they can get up onto.

The Cube has most of a roof on it now. We'll see if we can get an update from the Chicken Mom about how their house is coming...

Chicken Two perching on my arm.