Saturday, May 30, 2009

The night before....

The twelve hour countdown has begun. The chicken cube is ready (enough) and the girls are scheduled for pick up tomorrow morning. The urban chicken saga begins.....

Step back a year or more. Michael Pollan's book "Omnivore's Dilemma" was likely the final straw. I wanted to reconnect with my food. I wanted my daughter to see where food ACTUALLY came from, even in a simple way. Our lawn of our home was partially torn up and turned into a garden, the easement in front of our house turned into a makeshift vegetable patch (twelve yards of soil later - fodder for another blog), and NOW all we needed was some chickens.

Fresh eggs are a ways off. Likely 5 or 6 months. But the getting there is the purpose of this blog. Successes, failures, hints - the REAL deal on backyard chickens.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoops, deleted my comment by accident... What I said was that I'm actually a weensy bit excited about the chickens... Just a weensy bit.

  3. The girls need names. You cannot continue to call them numbers. I believe Makayla could handle this job.

  4. Chicken One, Chicken Two, Chicken Three and Norbert... One of them has a name!

  5. I was so sorry to hear of your loss. This is truly a life lesson for Maki. I'm sure the remaining girls will keep you entertained and eventually supply you with sufficient eggs.
