They keep growing. It was rainy for three or four days this week, so we didn't have them out and about. When the sun came out on the afternoon of the fourth day I opened the cube and these big birds were staring at me. Whoa! When did they get so big?

We're starting to talk about what to do about Chicken One. He's going to need to go back to the farm at some point... In the meantime, he definitely "rules the roost".
The Cube is in progress. The Chicken Mom got the roof structure on it (I'm not familiar with buildings, so I'm going to call it wrong thing, please forgive me). There are funky rafters (made of blue-gray beetle wood from the interior), and then a plywood covering. We're still waiting for the actual roof itself, which apparently is going to be a green roof with strawberries.
So the Cube now has a fun hat.