After about half an hour of searching and lots of panicking, two little pairs of feet were spotted under the coop. We left them alone and an hour later they were out behind the coop, pecking away.
But ever since when I've left the door of the Cube open for them they haven't come out.
Finally this afternoon I wanted a good look at them so I picked them up and deposited them out on the grass. They immediately went back behind the coop. I think this is a safe area for them, with lots of dirt to scratch in.
And they're finally acting like chickens! They were scratching with their feet, pecking with their beaks, and fluffing their feather in the dirt.
They still have some baby fluff on their heads, but otherwise they're covered in feathers.
Chicken Two was in a nesting mood. She nestled down the in the sun behind the coop for a little while, and then when I picked her up she nestled down in my hand. When I put her back down she dug a little nest in the dirt. I hope this means she'll be a good nester and egg-layer!

I think I can declare it official now - Chicken One is a boy. Check out his picture...
He has a well-developed red comb, and is larger and significantly lighter in colour than the other two. Oddly enough his legs are still dark.
He's also the most assertive. When I had Chickens Two and Three up on top of the coop they just hung out and looked around. Chicken One, however, could hear his girls down below, and decided that it was his duty to get down to them (even if it was awfully high for a little boy chicken).
Chicken Three is still quite camera-shy. She's also the only one who still has a large spot on the top her head. The other two have lost their head spots which were originally so distinguishing, and now are just speckled.
This isn't the best photo, but if you look carefully you can see Chicken One in the very back, must lighter in colour and with a very red comb. Chicken Three is in the foreground. (Click on the picture to enlarge it for a better view.)
He has a well-developed red comb, and is larger and significantly lighter in colour than the other two. Oddly enough his legs are still dark.
He's also the most assertive. When I had Chickens Two and Three up on top of the coop they just hung out and looked around. Chicken One, however, could hear his girls down below, and decided that it was his duty to get down to them (even if it was awfully high for a little boy chicken).
Chicken Three is still quite camera-shy. She's also the only one who still has a large spot on the top her head. The other two have lost their head spots which were originally so distinguishing, and now are just speckled.
This isn't the best photo, but if you look carefully you can see Chicken One in the very back, must lighter in colour and with a very red comb. Chicken Three is in the foreground. (Click on the picture to enlarge it for a better view.)